attro was developed to facilitate the capture and use of data to support collaborative work on teaching and learning, work scrutiny and other aspects of school. attro was developed in conjunction with Jonathan Parkinson, Head of St Thomas More School, Blaydon upon Tyne, who was frustrated by the time it took to manually capture and report on data in a live educational environment.
1 : attro is an easy to use application that allows the observer to concentrate on the interactions they wish to record. Schools can create templates to collate data on any information that is relevant to the performance they want to measure. The results from these observations can facilitate a meaningful conversation on performance.
2 : Greater emphasis is being placed on work scrutiny as a measurement of progression, attro allows school to evidence books with formative marking
3 : Research generally indicates that the best way to assess a teachers effectiveness is to look at their on the job performance. attro enables schools to compile this information and analyse results over time.
4: attro has a range of reports and graphical representations of data collected and these will be further enhanced by the development team and the attro community.
5: attro enables fast data collection, so that users can concentrate on what they are observing, intuitive interfaces means attro is very simple to use.
6: attro replaces paper based record keeping and also the inefficient practice of manual data entry, therefore it allows schools to be more environmentally friendly and reduces administration costs.
7: attro can enhance other observation or reporting style products that schools may have previously purchased, as the data from attro can be analysed in great detail.
8: attro can record data on individual students based on gender or special characteristics.
9 : When attro is being used for some form of classroom observation the teachers movements can be tracked and the data analysed to see if this has impacted on the results.
10: attro provides schools with a comprehensive reporting suite for management information, however recorded data can be readily exported from attro in a CSV file format should schools wish to further analyse the data using other software products such as Microsoft Excel.